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Mounds View City Council May 14, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />property would require approval of the City, and the <br />stipulation would have to be waived. <br />Reverend Matthews stated they have not used this pro- <br />perty for parking, and they have purchased additional <br />property to the north, which can be used for parking. <br />He added that they would have an agreement with <br />Kinder Care to have joint use of the parking facilities <br />on that piece of property, as needed. <br />Councilmember Blanchard questioned if the parking lot <br />next to the Church had been enlarged. Pastor Matthews <br />replied it had not but it could be. He added they do <br />not believe the parking requirements are consistent <br />with the size of their congregation, and they have <br />changed their sanctuary, and have less seating now <br />then what they used to have. <br />Attorney Meyers reviewed the 1984 special use permit <br />agreement, and advised the Church was required to <br />retain and maintain the triangular piece of property, <br />and reviwed development considerations, stating that <br />they would have to comply with all setbacks and so <br />forth. <br />Peg Mountin, Chairman of the Planning Commission, <br />explained that the proposed rezoning is to tie the <br />property to the Church, and all church property in <br />Mounds View is zoned R -1. The proposed parking is <br />to compliment the size of the property involved, not <br />the size of the congregation, as the use of the <br />building could change in the future, with different <br />parking requirements at that time. <br />Brad Walton, 2741 Hillview, questioned how Kinder Care <br />would fit in R -3, and stated he was concerned with <br />how property values might be effected. <br />Mayor McCarty explained a day care center Is allowable <br />in the Code in R -3, nut R -1. <br />Reverend Matthews stated they had also had interest <br />expressed in the property from a Dairy Queen owner and <br />car wash owner. <br />Frank Kampel pointed out the Comp Plan denotes the area <br />as church property. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearing and reopened the <br />regular meeting at 8:00 PM. <br />Attorney Meyers noted the purpose of the hearing is to 9. First Reading of <br />bring the property into conformance with the Comp Ordn. No. 363 <br />Plan, and the contemplated future use would not he a <br />consideration tonight, but with the special use permit, <br />