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Mounds View City Council May 29, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />Jeanette Kilduff, 2213 Co. Rd. H -2, asked about a <br />petition she heard was submitted opposing the re- <br />zoning. Clerk /Administrator Pauley confirmed that <br />there was one filed by 14 property owners and signed <br />by residents and dependents. <br />Peg Mountin, Chairman of the Planning Commission, <br />reviewed Planning Commission discussions regarding <br />the rezoning. She indicated that concerns in the <br />past revolved around the through street and apart- <br />ment type dwellings that were originally proposed <br />under the high residential use and that other con- <br />cerns include the noise level, light intensity and <br />heavy industrial use. She stated that the Planning <br />Commission felt that berminc• was an excellent barrier <br />and constituted an adequate buffer. She pointed out <br />that residents are protected from high intensity <br />lighting under the zoning crdinance and felt that <br />heavy industrial would not be able to meet standards <br />imposed for conditional use permits. Her opinion <br />was that the I -1 was a good alternative and that <br />the birming was sufficient to protect abutting <br />properties. <br />Mayor McCarty asked if anyone was present who signed <br />the petition so that they could substantiate sore <br />specific concerns that the Council could address. <br />Jeanette Kilduff, 2213 Co. Rd. H -2, stated that <br />there was a previous concern that residents would <br />be billed for storm sewer. Mayor McCarty replied <br />that residents will not be assessed for storm sewers <br />installed within the development of Pinecrest properties. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearin=. and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 9:06 p.m. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Hankner to have the First read- <br />ing of Ordinance No. 368 Amending the Municipal Code <br />of Mounds View by Amending Chapter 41 Entitled <br />"Specific Rezonings and waive the readir.7. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />There was discussion before the vote was taken on the <br />previous motion. <br />Attorney ;.°eyers indicated that this does bring the <br />property in conformance with the comprehensive plan. <br />Mayor :cCarty closed the rerular meetin and opened <br />the next public hear'_ni7 at 2:09 r.r... <br />Greg Holey, 8192 Grovelnnd .'.d., asked that the addi- <br />tion be explained. <br />21. First Reading of <br />Ord. No. 368 <br />Motion Carried <br />22. Public Hearing: <br />Major Subdivision <br />(2 lots into 5) <br />of property <br />located at <br />