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Mounds View City Council July 9, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />,Mike Barner, 2609 Clearview, stated he is in agree- <br />ment with the Planning Commission's recommendation to <br />leave the zoning as is. He stated his property is <br />across the street from the property in question, and <br />he did not receive a notice of the hearing, and many <br />of his neighbors did not receive one either. He <br />explained he has lived in his home since 1976, and <br />purchased it because it was in a single family area, <br />with very light traffic. Mr. Barner stated there <br />are a substantial number of children in the neighborhood <br />now, and he would not want to see an increase in traffic. <br />He also questioned how the 6 plex was allowed in the <br />first place. <br />Mayor McCarty explained the existing 6 piex was built <br />in 1974, on the basis that no further permits would be <br />issued until the drainage issue was taken care of. <br />Attorney Meyers explained the history of the property, <br />and how the City had been taken to court, and the court's <br />decision on the property. He stated that the proposal <br />this evening is to bring the zoning into conformance with <br />the comprehensive plan, and if the Council does not <br />rezone the property, they should amend the comprehensive <br />plan to go back to low density. <br />Elaine Sherhard, 2658 County Road H2, stated she lives <br />in one of the townhouse units, and questioned if the <br />zoning were approved, if she would then become an R -3. <br />She added she does not want to be R -3, and has had many <br />problems since she purchased her townhome. <br />Mayor McCarty explained the comprehensive plan for that <br />area for District 9 is low density, which would be R -1 <br />or R -2. <br />Mayor McCarty also explained a memo from Staff from <br />February 1984 had laid out the criteria that would be <br />used in rezoning property and bringing into con- <br />formance with the comprehensive plan. <br />Ken Briggs stated he was a representative of Mr. Harstad <br />and Mr. Todd, and asked why they were never notified in <br />advance that the property was being discussed for rezoning. <br />He stated they have not had time to prepare themselves to <br />address the Council or residents about the proposed re- <br />zoning, and asked that it be referred back to the <br />Planning Commission so they would have a chance to meet <br />with them and discuss it. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained that notice was <br />published in the New Brighton Bulletin, and they followed <br />the letter of the law in providing notification. <br />