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Mounds View City Council July 9, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Blanchard to grant a 90 day <br />extension to the Miller Industrial Plat, for sub- <br />mission of the final plat, based upon pending <br />proposed changes to the wetlands ordinance. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Susan Snoke, 5272 Sunnyside Road, asked if the City <br />would consider putting up signs on property that is <br />up for rezoning, as Fridley and New Brighton do, to <br />help make the residents aware that something is <br />being considered for rezoning. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Blanchard to direct Staff to <br />post proposed rezoning notices on City property in <br />the future. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />There was discussion on the motion before the vote was <br />taken. <br />Attorney Meyers advised that the City had done that at <br />one time, many years ago. <br />Councilmember Linke questioned where the funds would <br />come from to pay for the signs. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she felt the issue should <br />be researched first, and then a motion made, once the <br />cost was known, and the source of the funds. <br />Councilmember Doty stated the funds could come from the <br />contingency fund. <br />Mayor McCarty closed the regular meeting and opened <br />the first public hearing at 7:50 PM. <br />Clerk /Administra :or Pauley advised this was a <br />continued hearing from the one that was held in May. <br />He reported the Planning Commission had held an <br />informational meeting with the residents, and has <br />made the recommendation to the Council that the area <br />in question not be rezoned but left as is. He added <br />that Harstad and Todd had appeared at City Hall and <br />applied for a building permit for 6 unit townhouses, <br />but they were advised that building permits would <br />not be issued at this time, as fees could not be <br />calculated, and they must go through a development <br />review with the Planning Commission and City Council, <br />as well as the land in question being involved with <br />the wetland ordinance and floodplain ordinance. <br />Staff also advised Mr. Harstad that he would have to <br />file an application with the City for a conditional <br />use permit, as well as wetlands and floodplain permits. <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />6A. Public Hearing <br />Rezoning of Red <br />Oak Estates No. 3 <br />