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Mounds View City Council July 9, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page ri <br />and the past circumstances involing the development <br />of the property, and feeling that the street is a <br />sufficient buffer for that area, it is more suitable <br />for R -1 or R -2. <br />Attorney Meyers noted the residents had relied on <br />the fact that the development was R -1 to the north of <br />them, and there could be a depreciation in the value <br />of their homes if the property was rezoned, and health, <br />safety and welfare must be considered, along with the <br />drainage concerns. <br />Steve Miller stated he had spoken with two realtors, <br />and was told he could expect a 10 -15% loss in the <br />value of his home if the land was rezoned. <br />Dave Thisle stated there is a water problem already, <br />which R -3 development would compound. <br />Gary Cox stated he was concerned with the appearance <br />of the neighborhood, as he lives directly next to the <br />existing townhouse units, and he did not want to be <br />sandwiched in between: multiple units. <br />Mayor McCarty noted that if the property were rezoned <br />to R -3, a conditional use permit would be needed for <br />a townhouse development, and this particular develop- <br />ment did not meet all the criteria necessary. <br />Motion /Second: Blanchard /Linke to call for the <br />question. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mayor McCarty asked that consent agenda Item I be- <br />come regular agenda item 7A, and Item J become <br />regular agenda item 7B, and Item K be removed, <br />and restate Item 11 of the regular agenda as the <br />first reading of Ordinance No. 379, and reletter <br />Item L to Item I, and reletter Item M to Item J. <br />Councilmember Blanchard asked that Item H be <br />removed. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Hankner to approve the con- <br />sent agenda, as amended, and waive the reading of <br />the resolutions. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: Blanchard /Linke to table Item H. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Bill Fritz, 3072 Long Lake Road, stated he was in <br />7. Approval of <br />Consent Agenda <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />