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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Mayor McCarty closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 8:55 PM. <br />Councilntember Doty stated that in the past, the City <br />has had references available for the Council to <br />review in a liquor license transfer. <br />Mayor McCarty asked if an official application has <br />been received on the proper form. Clerk /Administrator <br />Pauley replied one had, but references are not re- <br />quired on the form. He added that once in the past <br />has the Council requested references. <br />Motion: Doty to table until references are received <br />concerning all involved in the request for the liquor <br />license transfer. <br />The motion failed for lack of a second. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated that based on <br />information received from Police Chief Ramacher, <br />he feels a check would be favorable. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to deny the liquor <br />license transfer request on the basis of the report <br />from the Police Chief, dated June 18, 1984 and <br />subsequent reports from the St. Paul Police Dept. <br />2 ayes 3 nays <br />Councilmembers Linke, Blanchard and Hankner voted <br />against the motion. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Linke to approve the transfer <br />of the liquor license for Povlitzki's Off 10 from <br />Richard and Marline Povlitzki to Patrick Conroy, Sr. <br />3 ayes 2 nays <br />Mayor McCarty and Coincilmember Doty voted against <br />the motion. <br />Finance Director Brager reviewed the previous quarter <br />for the Finance Department, reporting they had finish- <br />ed work on the City audit, and got the financial <br />statements out, and have begun work on the 1985 budget, <br />and should have the preliminary draft to the Council <br />at the next agenda ses,ion. He reported all depart- <br />ments are within budget so far for the year, and the <br />expected revenues '.ave been realized. He also report- <br />ed the Finance Department will be assisting in the <br />elections in the Fall. <br />July 9, 1984 <br />Page Seven <br />7A, Consideration p,f <br />Application for <br />Povlitzki's Off <br />10 Liquor License <br />Failed <br />Motion Failed <br />Motion Carried <br />7B. Quarterly <br />Department Head <br />Reports <br />