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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Jerry Duvall, 4016 Glenhaven, stated he agrees the <br />drivers on the road are bad, but not all are trailer <br />park people. <br />Lyle Elm, 2139 Belle Lane, stated he has lived there <br />since 1951, and it has been a peaceful neighborhood. <br />When the trailer park was installed, the City did <br />not permit access at that time because it was a bad <br />location, and it still is a bad location for an <br />intersection, as it is very dangerous. <br />Delores Peterson, 2133 Belle Lane, stated she was <br />opposed to opening the gate, as there were many <br />problems when it was open last winter, and there is <br />too much traffic which goes too fast. She also <br />pointed out there is vacant land across the street <br />from the main access to the trailer park. <br />Aldon Johnson, owner of the trailer park, stated <br />that when he built the park, he requested the second <br />exit and was turned down by the City, and told where <br />to put the entrance. After the park filled up, there <br />were so many complaints from homeowners regarding <br />children going through their yards, that the gate and <br />fence were put in. Then, after the tornado, the <br />trailer park residents started to complain, he met <br />with the City and was instructed on how to put in <br />the emergency entrance and breakaway gate. He later <br />changed the gate to allow children to get through. <br />He added he feels the access available now through the <br />main entrance is good. <br />Mr. Johnson stated he has discussed the options avail- <br />able with Director Thatcher, and he feels they cannot <br />satisfy everyone. The most important thing is that <br />emergency vehicles can get through, which they can now. <br />Laura Larson, manager of the rack, stated that the <br />Fire Department and Police Department have keys for <br />the gate. Mr. Johnson added he will install whatever <br />the Police and Fire Departments want him to have there. <br />Mayor McCarty replied Staff will check with the Police <br />and Fire Departments to see if they have any problems. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked if anyone has approached <br />the School District to get an access opened at the <br />north end. Mr. Johnson replied that it is private <br />property back there. <br />Mayor McCarty asked v. ._t the estimates are to open the <br />gate and road. Director Thatcher replied between <br />5,000 and $10,000. Mr. Johnson added he has already <br />put $5,000 into that opening. <br />July 23, 1984 <br />Page Seven <br />