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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Councilmemb Hankner stated she does have <br />some concern a Mr Merritt's cre dentials, <br />as some concerns have been by profes <br />sonals regarding his credi She again <br />st she felt they cannot proceed un <br />th EIS is in hand. <br />Leann Sporie, 295 Ironton Street, Fridley, <br />stated she feels MAC would drop the plan <br />tomorrow if the City could convince them. <br />She recommended solving the money problems by <br />going to neighboring communities and enlisting <br />their aid. She added they need people who are <br />not running for public office to handle it. <br />Councilmember Linke replied he had called the <br />City of Fridley and asked for their support and <br />was told by the City Manager that they were not <br />going to support Mounds View, with one of the <br />reasons being they did not want to rile their <br />businesses. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she had contacted <br />several surroundings cities and sought their <br />signature a, but was not able to get everyone to <br />sign. <br />Bob Beutel recommended tabling the discussion <br />further and scheduling it for an agenda session <br />and notifying the public. <br />It was the concensus of the Council to discuss <br />further at the next agenda session. <br />Mr. Pietrini stated that was not acceptable to <br />him, and made accusations against the Council <br />of making promises to hold meetings and then <br />not doing so. <br />Motion /Second: Doty /McCarty to table action on <br />the resolution until the next agenda session and <br />have more discussion and bring in both the pro and <br />the con on the issue and move forward in the vane <br />that there be a debate on this, and let the public <br />have clear knowledge of what the Council is doing. <br />4 ayes 1 nay <br />Councilmember Hankner voted against the motion, <br />stating that she feels very comfortable with the <br />advise Attorney Meyers has given the Council, to <br />wait, and she respects his opinion, and they <br />should proceed with his recommendation. <br />August 27, 1984 <br />Page Four <br />Motion Carried <br />