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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Mayor McCarty reviewed proposed Resolution No. 1789. <br />Councilmember Hankner suggested using the phrase <br />"Consulting Counsel" rather than "Co- Counsel She <br />also questioned the need for a formal opinion since <br />Mr. Merritt had given his verbal opinion already. <br />Mr. Merritt stated he had spoken with Al Perez, and <br />in his legal opinion, it would be most effective to <br />have Al Perez on hand, as he can spot violations of <br />Federal and State standards very well, and he would <br />be hired to look at the master plan with an eye for <br />noise violations. <br />Councilmember hankner questioned if Mr. Perez could <br />be hired direct by the Council, without going <br />through Mr. Merritt. <br />Councilmember Linke questioned whether hiring Mr. <br />Perez would be included in Mr. Merritt's legal <br />analysis. Mr. Merritt replied it would be an <br />additional $2,500 approximately, and it would be <br />very effective to have him on the case. <br />Mayor McCarty suggested adopting the resolution as <br />it stands and having Mr. Merritt contact Mr. Perez <br />and find out what his requirements would be. <br />Attorney Meyers advised having Staff or the Council <br />meet with Mr. Perez and getting a proposal from him. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Doty to table until after <br />Mr. Perez has been contacted and had an opportunity <br />to visit with the Council and get the costs and <br />his feelings on this. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Blanchard to approve the bill <br />from John Johnson, dated September 8, 1984, for a <br />total of $2,490, with the funds to come from the <br />Storm Water Management fund. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Doty to approve Change Order <br />No. 1 for Granam's Contracting Company in the amount <br />of $1,077.00. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />September 10, 1984 <br />Page Four <br />8. Consideration <br />of Resolution <br />No. 1789 <br />Motion Carried <br />8. Consideration <br />of Recommendation <br />for Payment for <br />Professional <br />Services of <br />John Johnson <br />Motion Carried <br />9. Consideration of <br />Change Order <br />Request for <br />Graham Contract. <br />Motion Carried <br />