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Mounds View City Council September 24, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Councilmember Linke clarified his position for <br />Mr. Petrini on the airport issue, to correct <br />Mr. Petrini's mistaken comments on Councilmember <br />Linke's stand. <br />Mayor McCarty stated the City has an estimate of <br />approximately $100,000 to fund their lawsuit, and it <br />is his personal feeling that it could be paid for <br />without any additional taxes, and could be taken from <br />defeaseance. He stated he feels it would be a good <br />investment, and they must decide what the limit is to <br />be. <br />Councilmember Doty stated there is $180,000 in the <br />contingency fund that he feels could be used to cover <br />the costs. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained the process she feels <br />the City has gone through in the past year and she <br />also stated how important it is to not reveal all the <br />strategy they have planned, as it could be used against <br />them in court, with MAC having an advantage of knowing <br />what the City had planned. <br />Coe to the heated comments and accusations being made, <br />a recess was taken. Upon calling back to order, Attorney <br />Meyers reveiwed the history of the airport situation and <br />stated that several questionnaires have been received <br />back that will be used to prepare affidavits toward <br />injunctions, as a basis for obtaining restraining orders <br />as well as notifying the FAA and Congressmen that the City <br />has specific concerns and questions. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty that the Council be on <br />record as standing opposed to the current Master Plan <br />for the Anoka County Airport, reserving runway place- <br />ment and configurations for future consideration. <br />2 ayes 2 nays <br />1 abstention Motion Failed <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she refused to vote on the <br />motion as she feels it has become a totally political <br />issue at City Hall and she has stated her views on the <br />airport innumerable times before. <br />Councilmember Linke stated he was not opposed to the <br />movement of the north /south runway to the north, as they <br />already have people with irrepairable damange from where <br />it is presently located, and leaving it where it is will <br />cause them nothing but further harm. <br />Mayor McCarty stated his intent is to oppose the current <br />Master Plan but still hold true to the belief that the <br />runway be moved north. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she agrees with Council- <br />member Linke, and that in passing this <br />