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Mounds View City Council September 24, 1984 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />Mayor McCarty explained he had received a <br />complaint about Mr. Quick putting his signs up too <br />early, and had passed that along to Mr. Quick. He <br />also stated he had not been formally cited at this time, <br />and if he is, he will hand the citation to Naegle, the <br />owner of the billboard in question. <br />Attorney Meyers advised that the letter that was <br />received could not be considered a formal complaint, <br />and the billboard company should be advised it is <br />in violation of the ordinance. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Linke to notify Naegle that <br />the sign at Highway 10 and Edgewood is in violation <br />of the City Ordinance. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mayor McCarty stated he would like a formal opinion <br />from Attorney Meyers that this is a violation, and <br />he wants a clear definition in the ordinance of the <br />difference between billboard signs and electioneering <br />signs. <br />Attorney Meyers advised that he feels the sign in <br />question is in violation of the ordinance. <br />Dennis Petrini asked Councilmember Hankner whether <br />she had circulated a petition regarding the ILS at <br />the airport. <br />Councilmember Hankner replied she had not. Mr. Petrini <br />asked Councilmember Linke if he circulated a petition. <br />Councilmember Linke stated that he had not been out <br />campaigning at all. <br />Mr. Petrini read a prepared statement, giving his personal <br />feelings on the position he feels certain Councilmembers <br />had taken on the airport issue. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained to Mr. Petrini that she <br />has stated it many times before, and will say it again, <br />she does not want an intermediate airport and has been an <br />advocate for a minor use airport. She also pointed out <br />that Mr. Petrini was nowhere around during the 1983 <br />Legislative session when the issue was discussed at length, <br />nor had he been present at the many Council meetings where <br />it has been discussed until March or April of this year. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained to Mr. Petrini what she <br />feels the process has been to date on the airport. She <br />stated that while she does not want the Master Plan, there <br />are some items in it that are saleable. <br />