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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />9.,lerk /Administrator Pauley reviewed Finance 7. Consideration <br />Director Brager's memo of December 5, 1984 regard- of Staff Memo <br />ing microfiche readers. Regarding <br />Purchase of <br />Motion /Second: Doty /Linke to approve the request Microfiche <br />to microfilm the finance department records and Readers <br />purchase two microfiche readers at a cost not to <br />exceed $500, and have the Finance Director identify <br />the funds source. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Park and Recreation Director Anderson reviewed the <br />request to purchase two cash registers. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Doty to authorize Staff to <br />order the two cash registers referenced in Park <br />and Recreation Director Anderson and Finance <br />Director Bragers memo of December 4, 1984, with <br />the cost overrun of $170 to be taken from <br />the contingency. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mr. Anderson reviewed the bids received for the <br />purchase and installation of carpeting for the <br />lower level of City Hall. He also reviewed the <br />changes they are proposing, and to have the <br />overrun come from the City Hall roofing account, <br />which came in $2,000 under budget. He also <br />reported the low contractor has given a two week <br />period for completion, once the contract is <br />awarded. <br />Motion /Second: McCarty /Linke to authorize the <br />expenditure of $5,547.86 for the recarpeting <br />of the City Hall basement, and the cost overrun <br />to be funded from the excess money in the 1981 <br />roof account. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Park Director Anderson advised the Council the <br />Park Commission had met on December 6 to interview <br />three consulting firms for the Greenfield <br />Park construction project for 1985, with them recom- <br />mending the project to Barton /Ashford with <br />the ru2_ding to come from the Loncon grant from <br />the State. <br />Director Thatcher reported Planning Commissioners <br />Warren and Miller had attended the government <br />training service seminar on Planning in Minnesota <br />December 10, 1984 <br />8. Purchase of <br />Cash Registers <br />9. Purchase of <br />Carpeting for <br />Lower Level <br />1 0. <br />Motion Carried <br />