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Mounds View City Council February 25, 1985 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Qirector Thatcher reviewed the activities of the water, <br />•ewer and shop departments for the fourth quarter of <br />1984. He reviewed the number of inspections done by <br />the inspection department, and the number of permits <br />issued by the planning department for 1984, as well as <br />the activities of the Community Development Department <br />for the year. <br />Director Thatcher presented overhead projections, <br />comparing 1983 and 1984 figures for the inspection <br />and planninc department, and the increases for the year. <br />Director Thatcher asked Council approval of proposed <br />Resolution No. 1872, in appreciation to Mike <br />Lauterbach for service on the Planning Commission. <br />Motion /Second: Quick Hankner to approve Resolution <br />No. 1872, a resolution of appreciation to Michael <br />Lauterbach, and waive the reading. <br />3 ayes 0 nays <br />Director Thatcher asked Council approval of proposed <br />Resolution No. 1873, amending Resolution No. 1859. <br />lotion /Second: Hankner /Quick to approve Resolution <br />1873, amending Resolution No. 1859 establishing <br />policy guidelines for snow removal from sidewalks <br />and for snow plowing damage to mail boxes, and waive <br />the reading of the resolution. <br />3 ayes 0 nays <br />Director Thatcher reported Gary Kardell is out for a <br />week with a back injury, and he will be hiring a <br />temporary worker to help out, as needed, and will be <br />bringing the paperwork to the Council at their next <br />meeting. <br />9. Report of <br />Director of <br />Community <br />Development/ <br />Public Works <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />Attorney Karney reported that he had briefly reviewed the scooing <br />document on the environmental worksheet and stated that 10. Report of <br />he will be preparing a written document for the next <br />agenda session. He recommended that someone from the Attorney <br />Council attend the hearing in Blaine on March 6 and <br />represent the City. <br />Attorney Karney reported a decision had been reached in <br />the City of Mounds View vs. Greg Johnson, dba Highway <br />10 Radiator Repair, with the decision being unfavorable <br />o the City. He reported the judge concluded the C y <br />ust act upon the application for rezoning of the property <br />from R -1 to B -3. He advised they will be appealing the <br />case. He also advised he was served with an order to <br />appear in court on March 12 to explain why the City <br />