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Mounds View City Council March 25, 1985 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Park Director Anderson reviewed the proposed develop- 10. Consideration <br />ment of Greenfield Park. He explained the federal Memo Regarding <br />grant has been increased to $180,000 and outlined Greenfield Park <br />what would be done. <br />Councilmember Haake questioned if the 4200' trail <br />would be basically a walking trail. <br />Park Director Anderson replied it would be a crushed <br />limestone base, which could be used for bikes, but <br />that was not the original intent. He added the <br />biggest deterent against motorized bikes would be <br />the neighbors who would report them. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Haake to approve advertising <br />for a 10:30 AM bid opening on April 17, 1985 for <br />Phase I construction of Greenfield Park. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Attorney Meyers advised the court has ordered a <br />motion, and recommended the Council adopt it. <br />Motion /Second: Blanchard /Haake that, subject to <br />the City's rights of appeal, to comply with the <br />order for judgement of the Ramsey County District <br />Court relative to Court File No. 484143 granting <br />Gregory A. Johnson's application for a rezoning of <br />his property at 2865 Highway 10 from R -1 single <br />family to B -3 commercial highway use with conditional <br />use permit for highway auto repair and with con- <br />ditional use perit for highway auto repair shall <br />contain the following restrictions: the erection and <br />maintenance of a privacy fence as required by the <br />Municipal Ordinance, the mainten ..snce of the property <br />in a reasonable clean condition, the maintenance of <br />reasonable business hours for conducting his <br />business, and the restricted use of lighting so as <br />not to disrupt the enjoyment of property by residential <br />property owners. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Bob Beutel, Chairman of the Energy Council, reviewed 12 Report on <br />the workings of the Energy Council and introduced Energy Conservatioi <br />Rita Docken, the Energy Coordinator. Progr... <br />Ms. Docken reviewed the activities of the Energy <br />Council, which was formed in May 1984, and the <br />seminars and energy audits that have been performed. <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported she had taken part <br />in the seminar and workshop and found them very <br />informative and strongly recommended people attend <br />them. <br />11. Consideration of <br />Motion to Comply <br />with Court Order <br />