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Mounds View City Council June 10, 1985 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Linda McDonald, 5287 Jackson Drive, stated she had <br />the same complaints as Mr. Waste, and added that she <br />was bothered by a semi trailer that was parked in <br />back and used for storage, as well as a house boat <br />on the lot, and garbage in the area. <br />Jim Loosen, owner of Loose Ends on 10, apologized <br />for the dumping of bottles after the restricted time. <br />He stated he has posted notices on the doors for his <br />employees, stating not to dump after hours. He added <br />he had been given approval from the City for the <br />trailer, and added h could possibly move it to another <br />location on the lot. He stated he had been told by <br />the Police Department that they would be responsible <br />for the activities and noise going on outside the <br />building, and he was to be responsible for what goes <br />on inside. <br />Attorney Meyers reported the anti loitering ordinance <br />is enforced, which states specifically that no drinking <br />is allowed in parking lots, and it technically is a <br />police matter, and citations are being issued. <br />Mayor Linke suggested asking the band <br />the evening to announce that drinking <br />in the parking lot. <br />a '`Mr. Waste asked if it was possible to <br />most easterly exit from the parking lo <br />at the end of <br />is prohibied <br />close off the <br />t. <br />Mayor Linke replied it would be a fire exit also, and <br />could not be closed off. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing at 8:25 PM. <br />Mayor Linke opened the public hearing for the Mermaid 10. Public Hearing <br />Cocktail Lounge, Inc. at 8:25 PM. There was no one Mermaid Cocktail <br />present who wished to address the issue, so he closed Lounge, Inc. <br />the public hearing at 8:25 PM. <br />Mayor Linke opened the public hearing for Simon's <br />Liquor at 8:25 PM. There was no one present who <br />wished to address the issue, so he closed the public <br />hearing at 8:25 PM. <br />11. Public Hearing <br />Simon's Liquor <br />Mayor Linke opened the public hearing for B R Liquor 12. Public Hearing <br />at 8:25 PM. There was no one present who isished to B R Liquor <br />address the issue, so he closed the public hearing <br />It 8:25 PM. <br />