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Mounds View City Council July 22, 1985 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />Director Thatcher introduced Bob Wuornos and Zack <br />Johnson, from Wuornos and Associates, the firm that <br />has been retained to do the review of Districts 6 <br />and 12 of the Comp Plan. <br />Mr. Wuornos outlined the areas they have been asked <br />to study and explained the procedure they are follow- <br />ing and what their findings have been to date. He <br />also read into the minutes petitions that had been <br />received regarding the review and suggestions for <br />the area. <br />Mayor Linke explained the Council is not anticipating <br />doing any rezoning at this time. They are working <br />to bring the Comp Plan and zoning map into compliance, <br />and they are gathering information at this point. <br />James Trimbo, 7880 Groveland, stated he had bought <br />his home 16 years ago, and a request was submitted to <br />the City at that time to zone some of the property <br />commercial, and it was turned down and multiple family <br />dwellings built. He stated he has had nothing but <br />trouble with the multiple dwellings and would rather <br />see commercial. <br />Linda Bankston, 8025 Groveland Road, stated she would <br />like to see the area stay quiet and would like to see <br />low density residential and not large apartment <br />buildings. <br />Jim Gable, 7934 Fairchild, stated he was not opposed <br />to R -2, but they must leave a buffer between the <br />residential and commercial areas, and would favor <br />having that area as R -2. <br />Jon Thomas, 8040 Groveland, asked for a clarification <br />of what a special use is. <br />Director Thatcher explained what permitted uses are <br />for B -3 zoning, and what would be allowed under it. <br />Attorney Meyers pointed out that the K -Gas was zoned <br />B -3 before the City became incorporated in 1953. <br />Jerry Blanchard, 8005 Groveland, stated he finds it <br />hard to believe the City can move backwards, and <br />they should stay away from strip zoning. He stated <br />he objects to the fact that a meeting was held <br />specifically for the businesses and did not include <br />the residents. <br />