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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Peg Mountin, 8287 Red Oak Drive, asked the residents to <br />think of Highway 10 as the front door to Mounds View. <br />She stated she would like to see it look good and work <br />well, and they must work something out now and not let <br />this continue on. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened the <br />regular meeting at 8:31 PM. <br />The Council took a 5 minute recess. <br />Mayor Linke called the meeting back to order and <br />opened the next public hearing at 8:36 PM. <br />Robert Johnson, an attorney with Super America, <br />read a letter received from a Coon Rapids resident, <br />concerning their operation there. He explained <br />the resident had originally been opposed to the <br />station, and read her comments stating she was <br />pleased with the operation of the station. He <br />added they will also be receiving a letter from <br />the City of Coon Rapids shortly, stating that <br />they feel the project has gone well and they have <br />not had problems with Super America. <br />Mike Holt, a representative with Super America, <br />presented site plans and reviewed the details <br />planned for the development. He pointed out <br />that the lighting will be directed outwards, <br />toward Highway 10, so it would not bother the <br />residents of the Mary Anderson development. He <br />also stated that traffic studies have shown that <br />tl'e traffic that would use Mounds View Drive <br />would be local residents and not thru traffic. <br />Mitch Wonson, of Benshop and Associates, stated <br />his firm had done the traffic studies for Super <br />America and he reviewed their findings, showing <br />the anticipated traffic flow and what percentages <br />would use what roads, and during what hours. He <br />also explained that Super America is willing to <br />dedicate a corner of their property for a right <br />turn lane from County Road I onto Highway 10, <br />which should help alleviate any stacking problems <br />that might occur, although they are not antici- <br />pated. <br />Mayor Linke explained no decisions will be made <br />by the Council tonight and they are just gathering <br />information to use in making a decision. He also <br />explained that when Mounds View Drive was planned, <br />t was with the intent that it would be a service <br />road, both for the residents of the area and the <br />businesses that would front on Highway 10. <br />July 22, 1985 <br />Page Four <br />7. Public Hearing: <br />Kraus Anderson <br />Major Subdivision <br />for Property <br />Located at <br />Approximately <br />Highway 10 and <br />County Road I <br />