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Mounds View City Council July 22, 1985 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Carol Golden, 7417 Parkview Drive, asked why an <br />entrance was necessary off Mounds View Drive. <br />Bob Hartmann, of Super America, explained that a <br />driveway there would enhance the property, as well <br />as benefit the entire neighborhood. He added that <br />the Super America station would be a greater <br />convenience for the people of the area rather than <br />other areas. <br />Bob Holmbeck, 2596 Mounds View Drive, stated he does <br />not want to see the zoning change. <br />Lance Raygor, 2584 Mounds View Drive, presented a <br />petition to the Council, against the rezoning of <br />the property, from neighborhood residents. <br />Joe Masanz, 2626 Lake Court Drive, stated he felt <br />this was only the beginning and if it were approved, <br />there would be more business generated, with a lot <br />more traffic. He added that he bought with the <br />knowledge that the zoning was B -2. <br />Marcella Raygor stated she does not mind driving <br />to other Super Americas or gas stations ire the area <br />and she reviewed the stations in the area and how <br />far a drive they were for her. She added she <br />feels that a rezoning would downgrade their property <br />values. <br />Arden Wahlberg, 2642 Lake Court Drive, stated he <br />checked the zoning before signing a purchase agreement <br />on his home, and he does not want to see the zoning <br />changed. <br />Jeff Pinotti, 2644 Lake Court Drive, stated he had <br />also purchased his home based on the current zoning <br />and he would like it to remain that way. <br />Bob Wagner, 2590 Mounds View Drive, stated he would <br />like to see the zoning remain as it is. <br />Mrs. Raygor stated that she does not feel a right <br />turn lane onto Highway 10 would be of any benefit <br />as the traffic is too heavy during rush hour to be <br />able to get on. <br />Dale Kremers, a representative of Kraus Anderson, <br />explained they have had many requests from other <br />buyers for the property, that would be allowable <br />under B -2, but Kraus Anderson has turned them down <br />so far because they would be a much higher usage <br />and busier. He added that an office building was <br />never proposed by Kraus Anderson for that lot. He <br />also invited any interested resident to come down <br />