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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />August 12, 19 <br />Page Six <br />Motion Carried <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reported James Boyles of <br />2840 Oakwood Drive had applied for a- b permit <br />and variance to construct a storage shed 6" from his <br />property line,; and had <br />'been denied the Planning <br />Commission. Mr Boyl will be appealing that <br />deci before the Council next w but i n the <br />g <br />meantime he has r th his ';$27. bu ildin <br />permit fee be refunded until the issue i s re solved. <br />Motion /Second: Haake /Quick to refund the $27.00 <br />in building permit fees to James Boyles, 2840 Oakwood <br />Drive, as the variance was denied. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Finance Director Brager reported he had received 15. Second Quarter <br />word from the League of Minnesota Cities that Department Hea <br />legislation is pending that would require all new Reports (Cont. <br />hires after January 1, 1986 to be placed under <br />social security. He added it would have an <br />impact on the Police Department and could represent <br />a cost to the City of an additional $10,000 per year. <br />He stated he would keep the Council advised on <br />the situation. <br />Park and Rec Director Anderson reported work is <br />progressing slower than planned on Greenfield Park, <br />but they are very pleased with what has been done. <br />He added that the contractor is being fined $200 per <br />day, since July 15, and they are under budget on <br />the project. <br />Park Director Anderson reported the transfer of <br />the park maintenance to the public works supervisor <br />has gone very well. <br />Park Director Anderson reported work has been <br />progressing on Random Park. He also reported that <br />Maureen Thielen, the aquatics director, has left <br />to accept a coaching position. He reported the <br />aquatics program had done very well under her, and <br />they have hired a replacement. <br />Park Director Anderson reported the City has <br />received many compliments on the flowers that <br />have been planted, and that their total cost was <br />aboa $450.00. <br />Park Director Anderson reported the composting site <br />at Ardan Park is continually expanding and has been <br />very successful. <br />