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Mounds View City Council September 9, 1985 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley read Resolution No. 1919. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened <br />the next public hearing at 8:55 PM. <br />Finance Director Brager reviewed the proposed 1986 <br />revenue sharing budget. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained the budget is <br />based on an estimate of the revenues that will be <br />received. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 8:58 PM. <br />Director Thatcher presented the Council with draw- <br />ings received from Daniel Richmann, representing <br />the applicants. <br />Mr. Richmann reviewed the proposed project, to <br />construct an office and warehouse for Electric <br />Equipment Service Corporation at 4751 Mustang Lane. <br />Director Thatcher reviewed the operation of Electric <br />Equipment Service Corporation. He stated the <br />Planning Commission has recommended approval. He <br />added that Staff would recommend that grass cover <br />be maintained on all the property. <br />Dennis Sewill, president of EESC, stated he would <br />agree to that. <br />Brian Sjoberg, manager of EESC, explained what is <br />involved in the handling of PCB's, and what their <br />firm does. <br />Motion /Second: Blanchard /Quick to approve Reso- <br />lution No. 1926, approving Mounds View Planning <br />Case 181 -85 for Electric Equipment Service <br />Corporation, with the addition of maintenance of <br />the ground cover over the entire site, and waive <br />the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reviewed the 1985 <br />long term financial plan. <br />Motion /Second: Haake /Blanchard to have the first <br />reading of Ordinance No. 399, an ordinance adopting <br />the 1985 long term financial plan, and waive the <br />reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />9. Public Hearing: <br />1986 Revenue <br />Sharing Budget <br />10. Electric Eqpt. <br />Service Corp. <br />4751 Mustang <br />Lane <br />Motion Carried <br />11. 1st Reading of <br />Ordinance No. <br />399 <br />Motion Carried <br />