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Mounds View City Council December 23, 1985 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />?ark Director Anderson replied that they had not <br />Addressed those two issues, but he stated that all <br />members of the Task Force are very active in the park <br />system, and they have looked at the financial <br />data provided by Staff. He added they did not <br />address whether the current park maintenance <br />problems are with the budget or are management <br />problems. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she felt the brochure <br />is very good, but she feels the timing is very <br />poor, with the January 21 special election coming <br />so close after Christmas, and with the cold weather and <br />she does not feel there is adequate time to get the <br />information to the voters and get them out to <br />knowledgeably vote on this issue. <br />Park Director Anderson replied he does not feel the <br />issue of getting the word out to the community is a <br />problem at all, and if it is approved by the Council <br />tonight, he could guarantee the copies of the newsletter <br />would be ready for distribution prior to December 30, <br />which means they would be in the homes by January 2 or 3. <br />He provided copies of the timeline they have proposed, <br />stating what would be done week to week, and they have <br />14 volunteers who are ready to get the information <br />mut to the residents. He explained their methods of <br />communication would be with the newsletter, newspaper <br />articles, a public meeting, and so forth. He also <br />pointed out that by having this referendum on January <br />21, it would alleviate the cost of having a special <br />election at a later time. <br />Councilmember Blanchard expressed concern in how <br />quickly the Task Force has been put together, and their <br />lack of working with one another. <br />Mr. McCarty asked if the requirements listed in the <br />Charter would be followed. He pointed out that the <br />Charter Commission had made the determination in the <br />past that elections in an off year were very had for <br />getting the voters out. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked what the cost of the news- <br />letter would be, including the printing and mailing, <br />and she reviewed portions of the proposed newsletter <br />and stated she felt they were biased in the question <br />and answer section, and she would like to see it <br />worded in an objective manner. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reviewed the assessment <br />;uestion and stated that it was his feeling that <br />the cost could rise for the homeowner, contrary to <br />what was stated in the newsletter. <br />