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Mounds View City Council <br />Regu -.r Meeting Page Three <br />finance Director Brager presented the Council with the <br />second quarter financial print -outs and reviewed them <br />briefly. He reported they are in the process of getting <br />the computer in and running, and training will begin <br />soon. He also reported they are in the process of <br />working on the budget, and are in the second round now. <br />Park Director Anderson reviewed the activities of the <br />Park and Rec department for the past guarter, which he <br />stated was their busiest. He reported the Forester <br />is working on the problems resulting from the Williams <br />Pipeline explosion for the first hour of each day. <br />He also reported a survey was done through the last <br />newsletter on the park department, and he will be <br />compiling the results to present to the Council. <br />Park Director Anderson reviewed the activities of <br />the Park Board and discussed the encroachments at <br />Silver View Park by the neighborhood residents. He <br />explained the Park Board has adopted a resolution <br />which they feel should handle the matter. He reported <br />they have also discussed a memorial to be placed at <br />Random Park, and will be discussing it further. <br />Park Director Anderson stated that Staff would recommend <br />aproval of the Park and Rec Commission's recommendation <br />n the purchase of playground equipment for Greenfield <br />Park, and he reviewed their recommendation and the type <br />of equipment that would be purchased. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Hankner to purchase playground <br />equipment from Game Time, from Minnesota Playground, <br />at a cost of $14,992, to be funded from the contingency <br />fund. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mayor Linke stated he would like to have the equipment <br />installed during the evening, to give the residents an <br />opportunity to help with it. <br />Councilmember Haake questioned whether the insurance <br />would cover any future problems, if it was not installed <br />by authorized staff. <br />Attorney Meyers replied the insurance would be in full <br />effect. Park Director Anderson stated that Staff would <br />go back and double check all work done, to make sure <br />everything was correct. He also pointed out that by <br />)ing it in the evening would necessitate paying overtime <br />the Maintenance Department, and questioned whether the <br />ost factor would be a problem. <br />July 28, 1986 <br />