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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />August 2', 1986 Page Two <br />ttorney Meyers stated that the Council does feel it <br />3uld be safer for all concerned to have the fuel <br />pumped to northern Minnesota through a safe pipeline <br />'Ilan it would be to have a fleet of tanker trucks <br />?-iving up and down Interstate 35. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley read proposed Resolution <br />No. 2063. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Blanchard to approve Resolution <br />No. 2063, relating to the testing of the Williams <br />Pipeline No. 2 8 inch line. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Attorney Meyers stated the City and Williams Pipeline <br />Company must reach an agreement relative to the <br />installation of remote control valves. He added the <br />City also preserves it's right to pursue legal action. <br />It is the City's understanding that the testing proce- <br />dures will take approximately four months, and Mounds <br />View is requesting that they run fuel oil through the <br />line only. <br />The Council took a 12 minute recess to allow time to <br />meet with the press. <br />.ayor Linke called the Council back to order at 7:33 PM. 5. Residents <br />Requests and <br />Ron Michna, 5287 Edgewood, informed the Council he Comments from <br />had filed a formal complaint against Muldoon's for the Floor <br />unnecessary noise and nuisance, relative to the <br />conduct and noise that occurred during and after <br />the outdoor concert that was held there on <br />August 18. Mr. Michna presented the Council with a <br />petition signed by 41 residents of the area, agreeing <br />with his complaints. Mr. Michna explained the concert <br />got out of hand, and was very overcrowded, and he <br />questioned whether the fire code has been checked and <br />brought up to date there. He stated he has been told <br />by someone working there that they had between 500 and <br />600 people in the building, and the very most their <br />capacity could be is 400. He added two off -duty <br />police officers were there but they were instructed <br />by Pat Conroy Jr. that they were to stay inside the <br />building and not concern themselves with the outside, <br />as his own bouncers were in charge of that. <br />Mr. Michna requested the Council have a meeting and <br />invite the neighbors to attend and voice their <br />pncerns. He also asked the Council to consider <br />aquiring a special permit for all indoor or outdoor <br />c oncerts in the City, which would give them more <br />control over how things are run. He also asked that <br />Muldoon's be checked for complaince with their <br />