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Mounds View City Council Regular Meeting <br />August 2., 1986 Page Three <br />iquor license and Sunday liquor license, and he would <br />ike a street light placed on the utility pole located <br />on Edgewood between County Road H2 and Woodcrest. <br />r: "r. Michna explained that the last time he was before <br />le Council with complaints on Muldoon's, he was told <br />vy Mayor Linke that bringing in signatures would be <br />helpful, which is why he has presented the petition. <br />He also noted that no one declined to sign the petition <br />when he presented it to them. <br />Mayor Linke explained he had sat in on a meeting with <br />the Police Chief and Mr. Conroy, and Mr. Conroy <br />agreed he will not have any more concerts. <br />Attorney Meyers reviewed what could happen in court, <br />whether Mr. Conroy pleads guilty, or asks for a jury <br />trial, and what the fines could be. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she agrees with !'4.r. Michna's <br />suggestion that the City explore a permitting process <br />for concerts. She added that the fact that Mr. Conroy <br />has agreed to not hold any further concerts does not hold <br />water. <br />Mr. Michna further explained he was very frustrated while <br />filing his complaint with the Police, as they allowed the <br />,ise and nuisance to continue at 2 AM, after issuing <br />ie citation, by allowing those involved to continue load <br />ng up their equipment and leave their truck running, <br />rather than having them finish it in the morning. <br />The Council told Mr. Michna they would take his comments <br />into consideration. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley asked that Item C be changed <br />to indicate the public hearing for the Revenue Sharing <br />Budget would be September 8, 1986 at 7:05 PM, and the <br />public hearing for the General Fund, Water and Sewer <br />Budgets at 7:10 PM on September 8, 1986. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley asked that an Item H be <br />added, to reschedule the September 1, 1986 agenda session <br />to September 2, 1986, due to the Labor Day holiday. <br />Director Thatcher asked that under Masonry licenses <br />for approval, under Item G, that Eric Wortman be added <br />as a renewal, and Jim Stevens Construction be added as <br />a new license. <br />'otion /Second: Blanchard /Quick to approve the consent <br />?enda, as amended, and waive the reading of the <br />asolutions. <br />5 ayes <br />6. Approval of <br />Consent Agenda <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />