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SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br />OCTOBER 20, 1986 <br />PAGE TWO <br />Councilmember Hankner asked if the <br />Planning Commission reviewed the Compre- <br />hensive Plan as part of their site review <br />and requested chronological information from <br />the Staff on the review process. <br />She further indicated that she and Council <br />member Quick had "doorknocked" the area and <br />discussed with residents their concerns <br />regarding the development proposal. She then <br />listed the advantages and disadvantages she <br />has identified for the project. <br />Mike Johnson, 2165 Belle Lane indicated to the <br />Council that he was concerned about traffic <br />speed and noise on Quincy Street and agreed <br />that the placement of a stop sign at Bronson <br />and Quincy would be acceptable to himself. <br />Russ Pahl, 7940 Greenfield requested that <br />Council consider the intent of the City's <br />Comprehensive Plan rather than the actual <br />words as he felt it was the intent of the <br />Council adopting the Comprehensive Plan to <br />protect residential areas from non residential <br />traffic. <br />Dave Mitchell, 5493 Quincy indicated that the <br />street improvements on Quincy and H -2 had <br />created problems by allowing parking on both <br />sides and indicated that he felt the crosswalk <br />on Quincy should have a traffic control located at <br />it <br />Doris Lelm, 2139 Belle Lane addressed the issue <br />of speeding traffic and hazardous traffic condi- <br />tions. <br />Keith Peacock, 5453 Quincy wanted to know how <br />many businesses would be developed and why the <br />developer needed access onto County Road H -2. <br />He also voiced concern that residential properties <br />in the area are being sold to young families which <br />will mean more children and therefore greater <br />traffic hazards. <br />Glenn Dawson, 2201 Lambert indicated that his <br />observation showed that most developments of a <br />sLmilar nature have roads providing no direct <br />access through the eni:ire site and that the road <br />pattern for this development should be modified. <br />