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Mounds View City Council <br />February 9, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Two <br />Mayor Linke replied they would place the item on the <br />agenda for the next agenda session, for discussion <br />at that time. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked that Staff get <br />together on what is being done currently. <br />Mr. Pahl stated he has further information <br />and he will give it to Clerk /Administrator <br />pass on to the Council. <br />information <br />available, <br />Pauley, to <br />Mayor Linke introduced State Senator Steve Novak. <br />Senator Novak stated he was present to speak to the <br />Council on Senate File #90, as well as update them <br />on what is going on in the legislature, in particular <br />what they can expect for the tax situation for the <br />coming year. <br />Senator Novak presented the Council with copies of <br />the Findings and Recommendation report, from the <br />Pipeline Committee. He reported hearings have started <br />on the pipeline bill, and he presented the Council <br />with a copy of the summary of the bill. <br />Senator Novak thanked the Mayor and Council, Clerk/ <br />Administrator and City Attorney for the many long <br />hours they had put in, as well as their cooperation <br />in working on this issue. He stated he is very <br />optomistic the bill will be passed and become law. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked Senator Novak if he would <br />give highlights of S.F. 90, for those who were in the <br />cable viewing audience, as well as explain what the <br />Governor's recommendations mean to the City of Mounds <br />View. <br />Senator Novak reviewed the tax <br />is facing for the coming year, <br />the municipalities, as well as <br />reviewed the highlights on S.F. <br />situation that Minnesota <br />and how it will effect <br />individuals. He also <br />90. <br />Mayor Linke asked for an update on the court consoli- <br />dation discussions. <br />Senator Novak replied they hope a decision will be made <br />in the next few weeks, and he acknowledged the Council's <br />concerns for how it will effect Mounds View, and their <br />desire to see the courts moved out to the suburbs. <br />Senator Novak briefed the Council on the activities he <br />will be involved in in the coming year, and Mayor Linke <br />thanked him, on behalf of the Council, for coming out <br />to meet with them. <br />8. Presentation <br />by State <br />Senator Steve <br />Novak <br />