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Mounds View City Council June 22, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />radiator shop would be in non conformance with the <br />rezoning and would have to be closed. <br />Mr. Johnson stated that 30 days after the second <br />reading, when the rezoning becomes effective, he will <br />close up the shop and move. <br />Mr. Dahlke stated the surrounding neighbors do not <br />want the zoning changed and they would like it to <br />remain what it was when they bought into the neigh- <br />borhood. He added he feels the property values will <br />change and be lower if it is rezoned to R -0. <br />Mr. Johnson stated that regardless of what zoning <br />the property goes to, that property is already up for <br />change by what the City planners have done. <br />Mayor Linke pointed out this property is listed in <br />the Comp Plan right now as medium density. <br />Grace Thomas, 8040 Groveland Road, stated she is <br />concerned with the shape of the property, and she <br />asked if part of it could be rezoned and allow the <br />adjoining neighbors to keep the property the way <br />it was when they moved in. She stated she would <br />prefer the property to remain R -1, as she fears <br />rezoning would make the property values drop. She <br />stated she would like the neighbors to be able to <br />purchase part of the property from Mr. Johnson. <br />Mayor Linke stated anyone is able to make an offer <br />to Mr. Johnson to purchase the property, and if the <br />neighbors are interested, they should proceed and <br />make an offer to him. <br />Mrs. Thomas stated they have not made an offer in <br />the past as they have not been on speaking terms. <br />Mayor Linke suggested getting the neighbors together <br />to discuss the issue, and he reminded them that <br />they cannot create a land locked parcel. <br />Mrs. Thomas stated she does not want a small business <br />in her back yard. <br />John Wells, 8020 Groveland Road, asked where a small <br />business ends and a large one begins. He stated he <br />would like to see the property stay at R -1. <br />Mayor Linke explained there are limitations on the <br />use of the property, which would control the size and <br />k of any business that would go there. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened <br />the regular meeting at 8:14 PM. <br />