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Mounds View City Council August 10, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting <br />Mayor Linke explained the boulevard is County property. <br />He added the City has pointed out the problems when <br />they were in court before. <br />Attorney Meyers explained Williams is continuously <br />taking cathatic protection readings and sometimes have <br />removed sections of the pipeline and sent them out to <br />Neighborville, IL for testing. He added the pipeline <br />will also be lowered for the County Road I recon- <br />struction. He further explained there is a court <br />order that Williams is to keep the City informed on <br />what they are doing, and their lack of doing so may <br />come back to haunt them some day. <br />Bill Frits, 8072 Long Lake Road, asked who ascertains <br />that the welds being made are safe. <br />Attorney Meyers replied the Office of Pipeline safety <br />is responsible, but he does not feel it has been done <br />properly, and the work has been covered up at times <br />without calling for an inspection. He added the City <br />is still in court regarding the issue of safety of the <br />pipeline, and they should be back in court sometime <br />after November, and this issue of removal and recover- <br />ing of the line will be addressed then. He stated the <br />City has a court order prohibiting it from interferring <br />with the work being done on the line. <br />Steve Legell, no address given, stated he is a new <br />resident to Mounds View and would like to build a <br />garage that is larger than code permits and asked what <br />procedure must be followed. <br />Mayor Linke advised him to come into City Hall during <br />regular business hours, at which time someone on Staff <br />will outline for him the procedure to be followed. He <br />stated it takes approximately 30 days for the process, <br />and he must go before the Planning Commission with his <br />variance request. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked that Item F be removed 7. Approval of <br />for discussion. Consent Agenda <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Blanchard to approve the <br />consent agenda, minus Item F, and waive the reading <br />of the resolutions. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Councilmember Hankner stated that since the Council <br />has not had an opportunity to review the RFP's on <br />Item F, she would prefer not taking action at this <br />time and discussing it at the next agenda session. <br />It was the concensus of the Council to discuss the item <br />at the next agenda session. <br />Page Two <br />Motion Carried <br />