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"p Charles Mechtel, 5533 St. Michael Street, asked why <br />a pond is proposed for the southeast corner, which is <br />a high area now, rather than in the middle. <br />Mr. Senden replied that between perculation and evapo- <br />ration, as well as water moving through the area, there <br />will be enough movement to keep the ponds clean and <br />serve their purpose for the development. He added that <br />with a long dry spell, the ponds would be expected to <br />dry up <br />Mounds View City Council August 24, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Seven <br />Mr. Senden replied they must trade upland for wetland <br />area, so have placed the ponds accordingly. <br />Mr. Mechtel stated he does not want a pond in his <br />back yard. <br />Mr. Senden pointed out that water problems presently <br />being experienced cannot be coming from the proposed <br />area, as it is nearly 12 feet lower in elevation than <br />that of the property owners who have stated they have <br />problems now. <br />Jeff Williams, 2375 Pinewood Circle, stated he has a <br />drainage pond is his back yard already and questioned <br />how this development would affect his property. <br />Mr. Thatcher reviewed the projections again. <br />Mike Winkel, 7701 Bona Road, asked how three holding <br />ponds all showing a depth of 2 feet each would help <br />with the water problems in the area. <br />Mayor Linke explained that City ordinance stated that <br />no more water can leave a development than currently <br />does, or at a faster rate. <br />Reed Krogh, 7827 Bona Road, stated he was concerned <br />that when Edgewood Road was put through, it would serve <br />as a dike and stop the ground water from moving. <br />Dan Boxrud, of Short Elliott Hendrickson, explained that <br />water can go through sand 100 times faster than it can <br />through peat, and he felt the proposal was more than <br />adequate in that respect, and that it would be equal <br />or better than existing conditions. <br />Mr. Ayaz stated that that Dr. Blomquist's signature does <br />not appear at the bottom of the study he has presented, <br />and he questioned what Mr. Senden's qualifications were. <br />Mr. Senden reviewed his background, and he also stated <br />that he resents the professional slurs that have been <br />made against both himself and the individuals working <br />with him. <br />