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Mounds View City Council August 24, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Eight <br />4 11Councilmember Hankner once again asked the residents <br />to provide the Council with a list of people they <br />would like to see the City use to check the <br />statistics out, as well as their concerns. <br />Mr. Boxrud stated that in the interest of speed, <br />he feels the developer would be best to hire Braun <br />Engineering to do the required testing. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked the neighborhood residents <br />to look at the request in a professional, objective <br />manner, and stated it had become an emotional issue. <br />Mrs. Weseman stated she was concerned with the safety <br />issue of the ponds, as far as keeping children out <br />of them. <br />Mr. Senden explained the slopes will be gentle, and <br />they would also replant and reseed the areas around <br />the ponds. <br />Mrs. Weseman asked who would be responsible for main- <br />taining the ponds. <br />Mayor Linke replied that it took approximately 30 years <br />for the ditch in the area to require cleaning, and the <br />City would be responsible for their maintenance, and <br />would use funds from the SWM account, which is funded <br />by developers. <br />Mrs. Weseman stated she had been told by the City <br />Engineer, either Steve Rose or Steve Thatcher, that <br />funds were not available for that and it would have <br />to be charged back to the residents. She added that <br />she was asked by the same individual whether she would <br />be willing to write a letter to the City stating that <br />she would be willing to pay for it. <br />Mayor Linke clarified that Steve Rose was not the City <br />Engineer, and that Steve Thatcher had been the Engineer <br />at the time in question, and that that was misinformation, <br />as the City does not ask residents to pay for that them- <br />selves. <br />Ali Sabur, 7837 Bona Road, stated he was also concerned <br />with the safety of the ponds, and also asked which map <br />was correct, the aerial map or the map that was being <br />presented at this time. <br />Mr. Senden explained why the differences in the maps <br />occurred. <br />Mayor Linke stated the maps being used by Mr. Senden <br />are correct and have been verified by both the County <br />and the Corps of Engineers. <br />