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Mounds View City Council August 24, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Nine <br />Rodney Melbow, 5601 St. Michael Street, asked what <br />would be done with the oak trees in the area that <br />is planned to become the pond for the southeast <br />section. <br />Mr. Senden replied that area is a mixture of many <br />trees, and they would be removed. <br />Phyllis Melbow, 5601 St. Michael Street, asked if <br />there would be an odor created by the ponds, or <br />additional mosquitos. <br />Mr. Senden replied the area is being seeded right now <br />with briquettes for mosquito control. He added that <br />any stagnant water can create an odor, but they do <br />not anticipate that problem, as the ponds should be <br />flushed out naturally. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated that in order to <br />expedite the proceedings, she would like to have the <br />developer, City Staff, Mr. Boxrud and the residents <br />get together and work the questions out more <br />thoroughly, once the developer has had an opportunity <br />to get the requested information together. <br />Mayor Linke asked that the residents submit any other <br />questions in writing to Staff that they would like <br />the developer to cover. <br />Don Peterson, 2341 Oakwood Drive, asked what a <br />baffled wehr is. Mr. Thatcher explained what it is <br />and it's purpose. <br />Duane McCarty, 8060 Long Lake Road, asked how was the <br />volume, elevation and rate and direction of flow <br />of the ground water determined for the area, and <br />whether it would have a minimal displacement effect. <br />He also asked where the ground water monitoring wells <br />were placed, and stated he would like to see the <br />developer use the checklist that was put together <br />many years ago for developments of this typ <br />Mr. Senden replied he had been told by the City that <br />the checklist was not required, and other developers <br />have not been required to use it in the past. He <br />added that he would be willing to use it, but he <br />believes everything is covered by ordinance that is <br />contained in the checklist. <br />Mr. Thatcher stated the ground water is not required <br />to be determined, but the direction of flow is, and <br />they installed 27 monitoring wells for that purpose. <br />