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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Harstad could develop only four lots. <br />Kay Weseman, 7807 Bona Road, stated a group of residents <br />had gone door to door and given the information provided <br />by City Hall to the neighborhood and had collected 300 <br />signatures on a petition objecting to the variance <br />request of the developer. She added that while she does <br />not have a problem with Mr. Harstad himself, she does <br />have a problem with the proposal to develop this area. <br />She added she would be presenting the petition to Clerk/ <br />Administrator Pauley tomorrow. <br />Mr. Sandidge stated that while the issue had been an <br />emotional one to begin with, it has turned into an <br />environmental issue now. He stated the ordinance is <br />very valuable and asked the Council to verify the amount <br />of wetland in the area, as he feels it is much greater <br />than 7.9 acres. He added each development is unique <br />and must be looked at individually, and the Council must <br />be careful in setting a precedence, as if this is approved, <br />he is afraid the remainder of the wetland in the City will <br />go quickly. Mr. Sandidge stated that based on all the <br />issues in question, he would request the Council to deny <br />this proposed addition. <br />Mr. McCarty stated that when he was on the Council, they <br />were reminded very strongly by the City Attorney to write <br />good, sound, viable ordinances that would stand on their <br />own merits and should not be varied. He encouraged the <br />Council to deny this request as it has not met the spirit <br />and intent of the ordinance. <br />Dick Dione, 2633 Clearview, stated he lives close to a <br />wetland area in another part of the City and he is concerned <br />about the precedence that would be set if the Council <br />approves this request. He added the ordinance should be <br />kept and fulfilled in its entirety. <br />Mayor Linke stated that what is being asked for by the <br />developer at this time is not precedence setting at this <br />time, and that each wetland is looked at on its own merit. <br />Mr. Ayaz stated he does not feel the U.S. Army Corps of <br />Engineers map corresponds favorably with Braun's map. <br />James Peters, 7901 Edgewood, stated he has lived there <br />for 20 years and watched the swamp gradually get filled <br />in over the years, and the wildlife has decreased <br />drastically. He stated he fears this development would <br />further eliminate that wildlife. <br />Peter Erickson, 5527 St. Stephens Street, stated he feels <br />"'this development would set a precedence if it is approved, <br />contrary to what Mayor Linke has stated. <br />September 14, 1987 <br />Page Five <br />