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Mounds View City Council September 14, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />Mayor Linke clarified that a precedence has already been <br />set, and they must look at each case individually. <br />Mr. Erickson stated he has had flooding problems the <br />past summer and found the soil on his property to be <br />very moist, where it is normally very hard. <br />M. Weseman read portions of an article from the Wall <br />Street Journal regarding reconstruction of wetlands <br />and asked if the developer was willing to guarantee <br />its success. She also pointed out the developer has <br />made the statement that they are treating the area as <br />a type 3 wetland, and if that is so, the DNR would <br />stop all development immediately. She also questioned <br />whether the lots meet the square footage requirements. <br />Barb Watkins, 2609 Louisa, stated she was against the <br />proposed development. <br />Sandy Krough, 7827 Bona Road, stated she was against <br />the proposed development. <br />James Tokas, 7845 Bona Road, stated he had purchased his <br />home specifically because of the wetland behind him, and <br />he is opposed to the development. <br />Ali Sabur, 7837 Bona Road, stated he is against the <br />proposed development, and he feels it is very important <br />that the wetlands are preserved. <br />George Aarons, 2626 Louisa, stated he is against the <br />proposed development. <br />David Radamacher, 7421 Parkview, stated he had spoken to <br />many of his neighbors and that while they don't live close <br />to the area in question, they are all opposed to the <br />Council granting this variance. <br />Ben Durant, 7358 Parkview, stated he is concerned with <br />the Council considering granting this variance =ind he <br />is against the proposed development. <br />Charles Mechtel, 5533 St. Michael Street, stated he is <br />concerned with how the wildlife will leave the area as <br />development occurs, and he stated it will destroy the <br />beauty of nature, and of Mounds View. <br />Mr. Little stated he is against the proposed development <br />and he asked the Council to vote their conscience. He <br />also asked that they consider making the entire area a <br />park area. <br />'Mr. Blomquist reviewed the information provided in the <br />report from the Audubon Society and the areas of difference <br />between the two reports. <br />