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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reported Mr. Povlitzki <br />had brought in an updated floor plan to City Hall <br />earlierin the -day. <br />Mr. Povlitzki stated he would like to plant more <br />trees than are called for, but smaller in size, and <br />closer together. <br />Mayor Linke explained the City Forester had iaade <br />his recommendation based on the ability of the trees <br />to survive and grow. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley suggested Mr. Povlitzki <br />could check with the Forester on some substitute <br />types of shrubs that could serve the same purpose. <br />Mayor Linke questioned why the new floor plan does <br />not indicate the dining room. <br />Mr. Povlitzki replied the City cannot require him to <br />do something it does not require of other similar <br />establishments, and he is planning an open dining <br />room, like the Mermaid has. <br />Mayor Linke stated he had been notified last week <br />of someone going around in the neighborhood stating <br />that he was going to purchase the property and would <br />be taking over its operation within the next six <br />months or so, and he asked Mr. Povlitzki if he was <br />attempting to sell the property at this time. He <br />added that he had the persons telephone number and <br />would be trying to get in touch with them. <br />Mr. Povlitzki replied he had been contacted by <br />someone at one time but had not heard anything back <br />from him, and he is not in the process of selling <br />the business. <br />Councilmember Wuori expressed concern with where the <br />bandstand is to be placed, since a good deal of sound <br />would be going out the back wall to the neighbors. <br />Mr. Povlitzki explained the amps face forward, and are <br />padded in back. He added the music will be going out <br />into the room, and the walls will have carpeting to <br />help absorb noise, as well as padding beneath the <br />floor. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked what will happen if <br />complaints are received again about noise. <br />Mr. Povlitzki stated he would handle them. <br />September 14, 1987 <br />Page Eleven <br />12. Consideration <br />of Resolution <br />No. 2235 <br />