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Mayor Linke stated at closing time they would like to <br />have the bouncers outside, encouraging the patrons to <br />leave the area. <br />Mr. Povlitzki stated he agrees, and it is also helpful <br />to have a squad car drive through the lot at closing. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked to see a menu. Mr. <br />Povlitzki stated he would provide one to the Council. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Blanchard to approve Resolution <br />No. 2235, approving the issuance of an on -sale <br />intoxicating liquor and restaurant license to Richard <br />Povlitzki, and waive the reading. <br />Councilmember Wuori reported there is an opening on 14. Reports of <br />the Planning Commission, and applications can be Councilmembers: <br />picked up at City Hall. Councilmember <br />Wuori <br />Mounds View Ci.'.y Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays <br />Attorney Meyers reported he had notified the attorney <br />for Greg Johnson that the present operation must be <br />removed by September 18, and he believes he is out <br />of there now. He also advised that Mr. Johnson must <br />submit the $948 in fees he owes the City. <br />Councilmember Quick reported there is a potentially Councilmember <br />dangerous problem at Groveland Park, in that the ball Quick <br />is going underneath the boom board and out into the <br />street, with children chasing it there, and he asked <br />that immediate action be taken to correct the problem. <br />He reported Park Director Saarion had a quote of <br />$510 for a 30 foot fence, 6 feet high, including labor, <br />or $625 for a 30 foot, 10 foot high fence, including <br />labor, or she recommended off setting the fence to <br />provide coverage. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Linke to use the alternative <br />proposal of off setting the fence, to be 30 feet by <br />10 feet high, at a price not to exceed $625, with <br />funding to come from the general fund park capital <br />improvement account. <br />September 14, 1987 <br />Page Twelve <br />Motion Carried <br />13. Report of <br />Attorney <br />5 ayes 0 nays Motion Carried <br />Councilmember Hankner stated that as a follow -up to Councilmember <br />the Greenfield Estates discussions, they have had Hankner <br />approximately 9 hours of citizen input, along with <br />many hours from the developer, and it is time to <br />sit down and analyze the data and make a decision. <br />She stated she feels Barr Engineering can provide <br />that, and the Council must he objective in making a <br />decision. <br />