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Mounds View City Council February 22, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />100:lerk/Administrator Pauley further explained the tax. <br />increment financing process. <br />Kathy Ayaz, 7751 Bona Road, questioned whether any <br />money is received unless the project goes through, <br />and she stated she feels this puts a flag out to <br />developers, that the City is willing to have their <br />developments. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley replied that financing is <br />not received unless a project does go through. <br />Councilmember Hankner clarified that if development does <br />not occur within a given time, it becomes void and the <br />process must be started over again. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained Mr. Miller owns <br />77 acres, and he would only be able to develop 33 acres, <br />due to the w elands. He added there is no DNR wetland <br />designation but rather a municipal designation. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened the <br />regular meeting at 7:27 PM. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened the <br />third public hearing at 7:27 PM. <br />Planner Herman presented an overhead map of the area in <br />question, stating that the proposal before the Council <br />at this time is to develop a tax increment plan for the <br />area. She reported that the Planning Commission had met <br />on February 17 and denied a resolution to approve the <br />consistency of the tax increment plan to the Comp Plan, <br />as they felt this was not a good plan for that area, and <br />they did not want a commercial plan there, and they did <br />not feel it was in keeping with the Comp Plan, with the <br />spirit and intent in particular. <br />Councilmember Wuori added that the Planning Commission <br />had expressed concern with corporate welfare and subsi- <br />dizing businesses, and the possibility of the State <br />reversing itself on tax increment financing. <br />Mayor Linke stated the Planning Commission was to decide <br />if this was a viable project, and not the philosophical <br />aspects of it. <br />Planner Herman explained their denial was based on <br />inconsistency with the Comp Plan on the spirit and intent. <br />ouncilmember Hankner stated she is concerned over the <br />business climate in the State and she feels it is very <br />much a local issue, and there are ways municipalities <br />can attract new businesses, with tax increment financing <br />being one. She added that everyone has a philosophical <br />view on that issue. <br />9. Designation <br />of Development <br />District No. 2 <br />Adoption <br />of Development <br />District Plan <br />and Development <br />Program <br />