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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />°ors. Rickaby stated she had attended the February 17 <br />Planning Commission meeting and she reviewed what she <br />felt were the reasons they denied the resolution. She <br />added she is personally against corporate welfare and <br />is opposed to this proposal, especially since there are <br />wetlands in the area. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened the <br />regular meeting at 7:35 PM. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened the <br />fourth public hearing at 7:35 PM. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained the Charter requires <br />the recodification of Mounds View ordinances every other <br />year, and it is now time for this to be done. He added <br />some major rewrites will be handled separately from this. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened the <br />regular meeting at 7:37 PM. <br />Mayor Linke closed the regular meeting and opened the <br />fifth public hearing at 7:37 PM. <br />Planner Herman presented an overhead of the area, <br />stating that this is an administrative procedure, to <br />rezone the Everest Development, Mounds View Business <br />Park, from I -1, Industrial and B -3, Highway Business, <br />to a PUD, or Planned Unit Development. She stated a <br />PUD classification would more accurately define the <br />development that is actually occuring, and she defined <br />what a PUD is. <br />Mayor Linke further clarified the PUD process. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley explained this allows the <br />City to review developments and approve those that are <br />consistent with individual zoning code sections for the <br />development that is occuring. He added that the <br />development is looked at as a whole, rather than •;:;.ece <br />by piece. <br />Jim Peron, 2288 Highway 10, asked what the building is <br />that is bei ^g constructed at this time. <br />Mayor Linke replied it is a 105,000 s.f. office warehouse, <br />which will be occupied by Clinch -On, a company which is <br />presently located in New Brighton. He added that a <br />50,000 s.f. building will be started this spring for a <br />group called TransHealth, which is presently located <br />in Eagan. <br />February 22, 1988 <br />Page Four <br />10. Revision and <br />Recodification <br />to be Known <br />as the <br />Municipal Code <br />of Mounds View <br />11. <br />Request for <br />Rezoning by <br />Everst Dvlpt., <br />Mounds View <br />Business Park, <br />from I -1 and <br />B -3 to a PUD <br />