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Mounds View City Council April 25, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting <br />Mayor Linke stated he was not happy with the contin- <br />gency in proposed Resolution No. 2320 which would allow <br />for the renewal of the conditional use permit after <br />five years, as he felt if they wanted to continue <br />using that space at that time, it should be made <br />permanent. He asked that that contingency be removed <br />and another one added stating that if the building is <br />sold or the main structure is vacated, that the <br />temporary structure would be removed at that time. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Quick to adopt Resolution No. <br />2320, approving a conditional use permit for a <br />temporary accessory structure to be placed in an R -1 <br />district at 7901 Red Oak Drive, for the Church Upon <br />the Rock, as amended, and waive the reading. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reviewed the recommendation <br />of the City's insurance agent, Charles E. Clysdale, <br />of the Maguire Agency, Inc. for the purchase of <br />1988 insurance coverage, from the League of Minnesota <br />Cities Insurance Trust in the amount of $66,150 and <br />from the Minnesota State Fund Mutual Insurance <br />Company in the amount of $51,938. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Wuori to adopt Resolution <br />No. 2321, authorizing 1988 insurance contracts, and <br />waive the reading. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Mayor Linke noted this was a reduction in the cost <br />to the City for the first time in many years. <br />City Planner Herman reported the City has received <br />the resubmittal from the Harstad Companies for the <br />Greenfield Estates project, and per tie subdivision <br />code, Staff recommends the Council give it to the <br />Planning Commission for their reviel: initially, and <br />authorize Barr Engineering to review the proposal. <br />She also recommended that notification be sent out <br />to residents in the area, due to the interest show.i <br />in the project before. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Blanchard to refer the Harstad <br />Companies resubmittal to the Planning Commission for <br />their complete review and authorize Barr Engineering, <br />at the developer's cost, to review the proposal and <br />S et the information to the Planning Commission for <br />their review, and send notice to the residents within <br />350' of the area that there has been a resubmittal. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />Page Three <br />9. Consideration <br />of Resolution <br />No. 2320 Appro <br />ving Conditional <br />Use Permit for <br />Church Upon <br />the Rock <br />Motion Carried <br />10. Consideration <br />of Rslt. No. <br />2321 Approving <br />Proposals for <br />1988 -89 Insu- <br />rance Coverage <br />Motion Carried <br />11. Referral of <br />Harstad Compa- <br />nies Resubmitted <br />Preliminary <br />Plat and <br />Authorization <br />of Plat Review <br />Motion Carried <br />