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Mounds View City Council April 25, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reviewed the necessity of <br />'repairs to portions of Silver Lake Road between <br />County Road H2 and Woodcrest, due to the settlement <br />of pipes. He stated they had asked Short, Elliott, <br />Hendrickson to advise them of the best way to proceed, <br />and he reviewed the three options proposed by SEH, <br />with the recommendation to go with ductile iron, <br />with a mid -range cost of approximately $300,000. <br />He explained, however, the cost could possibly go up <br />to $500,000, depending upon the amount of work to be <br />done. He stated the sewer fund has $88,349 available <br />at this time and Staff would recommend a loan from <br />the water fund to the sewer fund, at an interest rate <br />of 9 with a ten or fifteen year amortization schedule. <br />He also stated Staff may be recommending an increase <br />to the sewer rate, which woulc: enable a retirement of <br />the debt. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Wuori to authorize Short, Elliott, <br />Hendrickson to conduct a building condition survey at a <br />cost not to exceed $15,000, and update the cost estimate <br />and preparation of plans and specs for Project No. <br />88 -1, Silver Lake Road sanitary sewer repairs. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />;Councilmember Wuori questioned where the money would <br />come from for repairs if there is damage to any homes <br />or buildings as a result of the work being done. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley replied the contractor <br />would be required to provide insurance. He also noted <br />that the building conditions survey was being done to <br />protect the City, if they should be found liable by <br />the Court. <br />Kay Weisman, 7807 Bona Road, asked how old the pipe is. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley replied it was installed <br />between 1962 and 1964. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley reviewed the history of <br />the policy for entrance openings along Highway 10, <br />explaining the policy was adopted six years ago, and <br />now, with the development of the Mounds View Business <br />Park, MnDOT has requested the City reaffirm this <br />resolution using the names of the new property owners. <br />Motion /Second: Wuori /Quick to adopt Resolution No. <br />2318, regarding the policy on entrance openings for <br />Yighway 10 between County Road H and County Road H -2. <br />and waive the reading. <br />4 ayes 0 nays <br />12. Authorize SEH <br />to Conduct <br />Buildings <br />Condition Sur- <br />vey and Update <br />Cost Estimate <br />and Prepare <br />Plans and Specs <br />for Project <br />No. 88 -1 <br />Motion Carried <br />Motion Carried <br />13. Consideration <br />of Resolution <br />No. 2318 Regard- <br />ing Policy on <br />Entrance Open- <br />ings for Highway <br />10 Between <br />County Road H <br />and County <br />Road H -2 <br />