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Councilmember Hankner reported she had finished going 17. <br />door to door along Woodlawn regarding the proposed <br />street light and was ready to make a recommendation. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Quick to place street lights <br />on Groveland between 8051 and 8071 on the east side <br />of Woodlawn, and between 7980 and 7984, on the west <br />side if no trees would be damaed. If there would <br />be damage to the trees, the lights would then be <br />placed on the east side. <br />Mounds View City Council May 9, 1988 <br />Regular Meetigg Page Eight <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />There was considerable discussion on the above motion <br />before the vote was taken. <br />Councilmember Wuori pointed out the original discussion <br />was for one street light, and asked why it was changed <br />to two. <br />Councilmember Hankner explained the street is very <br />dark and they have had problems there, and after a <br />good deal of discussion, it was felt by the homeowners <br />that two street lights should be placed. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she has a problem with <br />it since it is entirely different than what was origintily <br />proposed, as they are going from one light to two, wit! lilt <br />a petition, and it was not on the agenda for action <br />tonight. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she was willing to go out <br />again and get a petition signed and present it again. <br />She pointed out that she had stated at the last agenda <br />session that she would be taking care of this at this <br />evening's meeting. <br />Councilmember Wuori pointed out that a street light plan <br />for the City needs to be done. <br />Motion: Blanchard to table the above motion. <br />The motion failed for lack of a second. <br />Councilmember Wuori had no report. <br />Councilmember Quick had no report. <br />Councilmember Blanchard reported on the progress of the <br />button sales. She stated they hope to have the buttons <br />`'available to the public by this weekend. <br />Reports of <br />Councilmembers: <br />Councilmember <br />Hankner <br />Motion Carried <br />Failed <br />Councilmember <br />Wuori <br />Councilmember <br />Quick <br />Councilmember <br />Blanchard <br />