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Mounds View City Council May 9, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />City Planner Herman stated the Planning Commission <br />had adopted Resolution 224 -88 at their May 4 meeting, <br />outlining in greater detail their previous denial <br />of the request. She also reviewed the history of <br />proposed development for that piece of property for <br />the past eight years and the variances that would be <br />required at this time. She also reviewed the results <br />of the done by Barr Engineering on the <br />property. She stated that based on the Planning <br />Commission's denial of the variances, the developer <br />has requested this appeal before the Council. <br />Art Freetag, identifying himself as one of the owners <br />of the property, stated he could not comment on the <br />technical data given, but he has appeared between 39 <br />and 41 times before Staff, the Planning Commission and <br />Council in trying to develop this property and he would <br />like to get it resolved. He stated that in 1979 or <br />1980 they were given approval to build two four -plex <br />units on the property, but because they took so long <br />in gathering all the additional information needed by <br />the City, they had problems with financing and the <br />jump in interest rates and decided not to build at <br />that time. Since they decided not to build at that <br />time, they asked for and were given a refund and told <br />that the approval was then being rescinded. Then, two <br />years later the moritorium went into effect for the <br />wetlands and when they were ready to proceed, they <br />worked with Staff and have since gone before the Planning <br />Commission five or six times, but still cannot get <br />approval. He stated he feels this development would <br />be an improvement to the City, and he also feels the <br />City is using his property as a storm sewer basin, which <br />is one of the reasons he is not being allowed to <br />develop it. <br />Mr. Freetag stated he believes there has been precedence <br />set for all the variances requested, and he is requesting <br />the right to develop his property, and he read a prepared <br />statement to that effect, saying that he would seek <br />satisfaction through the Courts if approval is not given. <br />He stated he has a great deal of money into this and he <br />has paid for the engineering study requested by the City. <br />Mayor Linke explained all developers are required to <br />provide funds for engineering studies done concerning <br />their request, and this development in particular is <br />within the wetland, which creates problems. He added <br />there is a buildable area on the property, but the <br />developer is trying to overbuild the site and therefore <br />needs a number of variances. <br />'City Planner Herman explained that when this was originally <br />approved, it was before the wetland ordinance went into <br />effect, and different issues are raised now because of <br />that ordinance. <br />