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Mounds View City Council May 23, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Mr. Hurley pointed out if the City denies the permit <br />extension, that is a taking, restriction and denial <br />of the us of the property, and he would hope the City <br />would consider that. <br />Attorney Meyers reviewed the alternatives that are <br />available, with a study of whether the extension of <br />Knollwood could be developed without Mr. Johnsons <br />property. He explained they have heard many proposals <br />over the years. He added they could approve the lot <br />split with the agreement that the City could acquire <br />the large back lot for use in a future road development. <br />He added that if the permit extension is denied, the <br />City could be liable for denial of the use of the <br />property. He added they could allow the issuance of <br />the building permit extension but still look at the <br />parcel in back for development of a cul -de -sac. He <br />further added that the extension of the timeline <br />would be up to Mr. Hurley. <br />Mr. Hurley pointed out everything has been discussed <br />time and time again, and his client is very anxious <br />to get on with developing this property. <br />Councilmember Blanchard asked what harm there would <br />be in granting an extension, as the lot split has <br />not been asked for or granted. <br />Mr. Hurley pointed out the building permit was <br />originally issued in June of 1987, and a statement was <br />written right on it by Building Inspector Jim Tobias <br />that it would be extended to the Spring of 1988. He <br />also reminded the Council of the letter sent in January, <br />informing them of the request for the extension and <br />requesting that a decision be made in a timely manner. <br />Attorney Meyers advised that if the Council grants the <br />building permit extension, it would eliminate the eastern <br />access, and that is what the issue tonight really is. <br />Mayor Linke closed the public hearing and reopened the <br />regular meeting at 7:34 PM. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated that if the extension is <br />granted and the Council is to talk to Mr. Johnson about <br />a future lot split, it would require additional time <br />to discuss it with him. <br />Attorney Meyers advised the Council must <br />City can really use Mr. Johnson's parcel <br />that if a lot split is granted, the back <br />ultimately go back to the City for taxes <br />years or so. <br />decide if the <br />He added <br />portion could <br />in another ten <br />Mayor Linke stated he was opposed to anything but the <br />east exit, due to the health, safety and welfare issue <br />of the future development. He pointed out there is also <br />