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a 12" water main on Groveland which could be tied into. <br />He stated the best way to plan for the future is to <br />deny this and look at the acquisition of a strip of <br />the property. <br />Mounds View City Council May 23, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she was against tying <br />up the citizens tax dollars on a "maybe" project <br />that might not happen for 25 years, if ever, as the <br />majority of the property owners there do not want a <br />road to go through. <br />Mayor Linke replied there is money left from the Silver <br />Lake Woods project, which comes from the gas tax, and <br />would not be tying up new money. <br />Councilmember Blanchard responded that either way, the <br />tax payers are paying for it. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated the City could end up <br />paying for it anyway, if they deny the permit extension <br />and it ends up in litigation. <br />Attorney Meyers advised the Court could assess damages <br />for the denial of the use of the property. The money <br />could theoretically be recovered if a road is put in <br />in the future, but they would have to prove that the <br />market value of each property increased by that <br />assessment. He added they could start condemnation <br />proceedings for the road, but it may or may not be to <br />the City's benefit. He added the City could a'quire <br />the entire parcel and sell off the buildable lots to <br />a developer. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated that sounds like a terrific <br />gamble, as they could end up in very lengthy negotiations <br />and still end up paying out a lot of money. She added <br />she feels Mr. Johnson has put the Council in an unfair <br />position as he is not available to meet with them, and <br />they do not know where he stands on many items, and she <br />does not know if Mr. Hurley can answer for Mr. Johnson. <br />She further stated the date of this meeting was postponed <br />for Mr. Johnson's convenience and he chose not to meet with <br />the Council. <br />Attorney Meyers advised the Council decide if an east <br />access is necessary to go from there. <br />Councilmember Blanchard pointed out no one has come in with <br />any proposals for developLler.t pn any portion, and she has a <br />real problem voting on if's, and's and maybe's. <br />Councilmember Quick stated that when the last permit was <br />denied the policy was set, and they must look to the future <br />to allow for development. <br />