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The Pledge of Allegiance was said. <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />The Mounds View City Council was called to order by <br />Mayor Linke at 7:00 PM on Monday, June 27, 1988. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmembers Wuori, Quick. Hankner <br />and Mayor Linke. <br />It was noted Councilmember Blanchard was absent. <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Attorney Meyers, Clerk /Admini- <br />strator Pauley and City Planner Herman. <br />Gerry Nelson, project director with "Celebrate 90" <br /> --gave a slide presentation and introduced the audience <br />to the concept of "Celebrate 90 He asked for <br />community support in this program, and advised a <br />video would be available soon. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated they would announce <br />in advance when it would be shown on cable tv. <br />Date Approved: July, 11, 1988 <br />Mayor Linke read the proclamation declaring June 19 -25 <br />as Pinewood Playground Volunteer Appreciation Week and <br />presented the proclamation to the representatives <br />present. <br />Mary Bradley thanked the Council and City and School <br />District for their very good support. <br />Senator Novak reviewed tax changes which were occuring <br />due to recent legislative action and he stated the <br />picture looks good for Mounds View, which should see a <br />40% increase in local government aid. <br />Regular Meeting <br />June 27, 1988 <br />Mounds View City Hall <br />2401 Hwy. 10, Mounds View, MN 55112 <br />After recessing, the Council reconvened at 7:31, at which <br />time Public Works Director Minetor was present. <br />1. Call to <br />Order <br />2. Pledge of <br />Allegiance <br />3. Roll Cali <br />4. Presentation <br />of "Celebration <br />90" Video <br />Program by <br />Gerry Nelson <br />5. Presentation <br />and Discussion <br />with Senator <br />Novak and Rep- <br />resentatives <br />Knuth and Voss <br />