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Mounds View City Council July 25, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />Mr. Thorton stated he feels the Council is attempting <br />to surpress an accurate record of the hearing, and <br />the Council had just surpressed an opportunity for the <br />court to have an accurate record. <br />Mr. Thorton stated there are seven requests before the <br />Council, for a major subdivision, a wetland zoning <br />district plan amendment, a wetland alteration permit, <br />variances to the wetland ordinance,vacation of the <br />right of way, parkland dedication credit, and <br />conditional use permit for working in a flood plain. <br />Attorney Meyers questioned whether Mr. Kirby, who does <br />work for the City, is employed by Briggs and Morgan, <br />which would present a conflict of interest. <br />Mr. Thorton replied he was not, that he had checked <br />with his office for any conflict, and he believed <br />Mr. Kirby was associated with Lefevre, Leffler. <br />Jim Merila, of Merila and Associates, reviewed the <br />request to subdivide 12.2 acres into 17 lots, and he <br />presented sketches showing the proposal, and what <br />modifications have been made since the original pro- <br />posal was presented, and the modification of the <br />roadways. <br />Merila stated a main part of the application is a <br />wetland modification of 7.2 acres. He also presented <br />a map of the existing wetland boundary, as defined by <br />the Army Corps of Engineers, and where the City's map <br />shows those boundaries to be. He explained this would <br />be a two stage process, with a modification of the <br />existing City wetland zoning map to reflect the correct <br />location, along with a conditional use permit to fill <br />the wetland and work within the wetland area, which <br />would involve a shifting of the wetland. <br />Mr. Merila stated that in accordance with the existing <br />wetland, there are no buildable lots, since there is <br />a 100' buffer zone requirement, but in looking at where <br />the actual wetland is, and taking into consideration <br />the 100' buffer, there then is one lot developable. <br />He added they are looking at it as a hardship. He also <br />indicated on the map how they would move the wetland <br />area, with excavation and replacing it with a new wet- <br />land, of an equal 1.6 acres in size. <br />Mr. Merila stated they have received a permit from the <br />Army Corps of Engineers for the work to be done within <br />the wetland, with the condition of the creation of an <br />open water area, which they are willing to comply with, <br />and he indicated on the sketch where this would be <br />'placed. He added, however, that that is contrzry to <br />the phosphorus stripping regulation in Mounds View. <br />