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Councilmember Wuori reported the Planning Commission, <br />with the recent loss of two members, is down to five, <br />and due to vacations and unscheduled absences, they are <br />having three to four members present for their meetings <br />and they are uncomfortable with passing resolutions with <br />three members voting, and they would appreciate Council <br />direction on how to proceed until their membership is <br />back up. <br />Mayor Linke stated that three would be a quorum for <br />them, and he would like them to continue conducting <br />business, but advised they can always pass items onto <br />the Council if they are uncomfortable. <br />There are two vacancies on the Planning Commission at <br />this time, and anyone interested can pick up an <br />application at City Hall. <br />Councilmember Wuori reported there was approximately <br />$9,00 in ticket sales for "West Side Story with final <br />figures to be available later. She added that things <br />went very well, considering the problems experienced <br />with the breakdown of the air conditioner. <br />Councilmember Quick stated that in light of the current <br />drought situation, with some analysts stating we are <br />in the second year of a ten year drought, that additional <br />measures should be taken in looking ahead. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Wuori to direct Staff to do a <br />department by department evaluation of the a year <br />long range plan and lo for any alternati cCs due to <br />the fact we are in a drought, and have ready for the <br />August 15 agenda session, and place on the agenda <br />of the August 22 meeting. <br />Clerk /Administrator Pauley stated that with time con- <br />straints and vacations and pending situations, they <br />may not be able to gather much information. He added <br />that the water billings are the only thing he could <br />think of that would be directly involved. <br />Councilmember Quick replied there were several he could <br />think of and requested Staff look at what would be <br />drought related. <br />Mayor Linke reported he had received several calls in <br />regard to the outdoor music at the Mermaid Sunday evening. <br />He added that he would like to have outdoor activities of <br />this type be on a permit basis and requested Staff to <br />look into it. He added that by using a permit process, <br />if there is a continual problem with one operation, they <br />could do something about it. <br />Mounds View City Council August 8, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />Councilmember <br />Wuori <br />Councilmember <br />Quick <br />Mayor Linke <br />