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Mounds View City Council August 22, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Park Director Saarion stated that if the Council <br />ants to try it, they could keep a record of any <br />complaints that are received, and they could plan <br />next year to do the grading work at Groveland. <br />There was discussion on eliminating the hockey <br />rink at Hillview without concurrently placing <br />one at Groveland Park. <br />Alice Frits stated that she sees children using <br />the hockey rink every day, while smaller children <br />use the pleasure skating <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she feels the Park <br />and Rec department and City Council have reached <br />the conclusion that Hillview Park is too small for <br />all the things that are in it. She added that <br />taking the hockey rink out this year will give them <br />an opportunity to see how it would work. <br />Park Director Saarion reported she had spoken to <br />the director of the Lake Region Hockey Association <br />who is the only group that was scheduled for that <br />rink last year, and he did not feel the elimination <br />of the =ink would present a problem for them. <br />Mayor Linke suggested considering a half court rink <br />at Groveland. He added most of the time the people <br />using the rink turn the nets sideways anyway and <br />use only half the available ice. <br />Park Director Saarion stated they would be grading <br />Woodcrest Park this fall and they could have Grove- <br />land Park graded at the same time. <br />Motion /Second: Linke /Blanchard to direct Staff to <br />look at the proposed location for the tot lot and <br />picnic area at Hillview Park, specifically at the <br />drainage, and if Staff amongst themselves finds <br />there is a problem, they can bring forth a proposal <br />to correct the problem, and look at the best possible <br />site at Groveland Park for a pleasure skating rink <br />and a hockey rink, using a one -half court hockey rink. <br />After lengthy discussion, the above motion was not <br />voted on due to a subsequent tabling motion. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she would like to direct <br />Staff to conduct an inter departmental inter- disci- <br />linary planning approach to Hillview and Groveland <br />Parks, as she feels that would help in solving the <br />problems. <br />Councilmember Wuori suggested using a half_ court rink <br />at both parks and requested that Staff look intc that <br />feasibility. <br />