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Mounds View City Council August 22, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Four <br />Park Director Saarion stated if the Council is <br />interested in having the hockey rink in that <br />location permanently, the area could be graded. <br />She added Staff had not surveyed the elevations. <br />Councilmember Quick recommended putting the matter <br />on hold and taking the rink out of Hillview Park <br />and storing it and see where the issue goes after <br />one year. He added he sees a lot of problems for <br />the Public Works department in trying to keep up <br />with this. <br />Mayor Linke expressed concern with taking the rink <br />down and having one less rink available for people <br />to use. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated the issue must be looked <br />at carefully before doing anything, as they do not <br />want to create new problems. <br />It was the concensus of the Council t, make a deci- <br />sion on the hockey rink location tonight. <br />Park Director Saarion asked if Council would like <br />Short, Elliott, Hendrickson to do an elevation sur- <br />vey and look at the drainage issue. <br />Councilmember Hankner replied she would like Public <br />Works Director Minetor to do the work in- house. <br />Public Works Director Minetor replied the City has <br />some contour maps but they do not show all the <br />problems. <br />Mayor Linke recommended also making a decision on the <br />tot lot, as they would like to get it in yet this fall. <br />He explained the equipment had been stored already for <br />awhile and until it is assembled, they will not know if <br />everything is there. <br />Park Director Saarion explained the intention behind <br />berming the park to keep water from the rink from <br />running off into the neighbors yards. <br />Public Works Director Minetor stated that if the <br />Council could agree on a concept, Staff could get <br />a preliminary report back and have some type of topo- <br />graphical maps for the Counci' to look at. <br />Mayor Linke stated he would prefer to see the tot lot <br />in front and the picnic tables to the rear of the park <br />at Hillview. <br />Councilmember Wuori expressed concern with taking the <br />rink from Hillview, in that if it doesn't work at <br />Groveland, they have totally eliminated one rink. <br />