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Mounds View City Council August 22, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Three <br />a transfer of $122,600 would be required, which is <br />in excess of the anticipated $90,000 transfer. He <br />stated modifications to the contract could include <br />a modified asphalt mix design proposed by the con- <br />tractor, which would save $11,725 over the bid amount, <br />and additionally, he had selected six street seg- <br />ments to be eliminated for this year which would <br />further reduce the cost. <br />Finance Director Brager explained the Silver Lake <br />Woods fund has been dedicated for this type of work <br />and the exce,•s transfer would have an impact on the <br />fund, but it would not be extreme. <br />There was discussion among the Council of the merits <br />of delaying the work versus the additional work and <br />cost increase that could be expected the following <br />year. <br />Motion /Second: Quick /Hankner to award the contract <br />to Alexander Construction, not to exceed $178,101.25, <br />with the contingency to bring it to $195,515. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />Mayor Linke stated that as long as the funds are <br />there, he feels the City is better off using them <br />now. <br />Park Director Saarion reported that pursuant to <br />Council direction given at the last agenda session, <br />she has prepared three different site plans for the <br />transfer of the hockey rink from Hillview Park to <br />Groveland Park, for the Council's consideration. <br />She reviewed the three proposals, stating she would <br />recommend alternate #1, as well as Staff's proposal <br />for the redevelopment of Hillview Park. <br />Councilmember Wuori expressed concern with the pro- <br />posed location of the hockey rink at Groveland Park <br />being too close to the property line to the north. <br />Park Director Saarion replied that the lot to the <br />north is very deep and there is no home on the <br />side next to the park. It was noted, however, that <br />that could change at any time. <br />Councilmember Quick pointed out the ground is not <br />level where the rink is proposed and it would have <br />a large drop, which would require grading or extra <br />work in filling the deep end. He also noted a lot <br />of hose mould be required to reach from the water <br />service to the rink. <br />11. <br />Motion Carried <br />Consideration of <br />Staff Memo Regard- <br />ing Replacement <br />of Hillview Hockey <br />Rink to Groveland <br />Park <br />