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Mounds View City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Mayor Linke stated he agrees the blower i:. important. <br />Motion: Linke to approve Resolution No. 2374, <br />approving the development request by Amoco Oil Company, <br />2155 Highway Avenue, Planning Case No. 241 -88, and <br />waive the reading. <br />The motion failed for lack of a second. <br />Mayor Linke asked the Council if they would like to <br />make another motion concerning the development request. <br />No other motion was made. <br />Chris Christofec, of Amoco Oil Company, asked why there <br />had been no second to the motion, or another motion made. <br />Mayor Linke stated it is up to the individual Council <br />members. <br />There was no comment from the Council. <br />Attorney Karney recommended Mr. Christofec take the <br />matter up with the City Planner. He added they had <br />not denied the request, nor had they approved it. <br />Mr. Christofec stated the Council was denying them the <br />opportunity to go ahead with their development. He <br />stated they have met with the City numerous times, week <br />after week, and have met the requirements of the Code <br />and the City, and yet are getting nowhere. He added <br />he does not want to argue, yet this has been very <br />expensive for them, and he again asked for an explanation <br />from the Council as to why no second had been made. <br />There again was no response from the Council. <br />Attorney Karney stated the question could not be answered <br />tonight and he again advised that Staff be contacted <br />for an explanation. <br />City Planner Herman reported she had discussed this <br />matter with the City Attorney. She drew a sketch of <br />the property and reviewed the request of the applicant <br />for a minor subdivision. She further added the <br />Planning Commission has recommended denial, as it is <br />not in conformance with the Code. <br />Motion /Second: Wuori /Hankner to approve Resolution <br />No. 2375, denying the minor subdivision request by <br />Richard Oman, 8205 Groveland Road, Planning Case No. <br />244 -88, and waive the reading. <br />5 ayes 0 nays <br />September 12, 1988 <br />Page Six <br />Motion Failed <br />17. Consideration <br />of Resolution <br />No. 2375 <br />Motion Carried <br />